About this podcast

A Value4Value Music Podcast

Mutton, Mead & Music, created in 2023, sits firmly on the shoulders of giants and pioneers that started this project years ago. The vision of musicians being able to release, distribute and gain financial support with their own music, without going through a middleman, is becoming reality.

This Value4Value Music Podcast brings you the best music from the ValueVerse. You will notice a difference from what you are used to hear on the radio, because this is music made by artists who cares about your listening experience.

The music played on this show exists in the ValueVerse. Every song or album is published with it’s own RSS-Feed, which you can listen to and support directly on a Modern Podcast App. You can also support the music directly through this podcast, when you listen to the show on a Modern Podcast App.

It is time to think about creative and financial freedom for musicians all around the world. Support your favorite Value4Value Music artist today!

Learn more about Value4Value Music and Modern Podcast Apps:
A New Way to Think about Value
Guide to Value4Value RSS Music
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