Mutton, Mead & Music is a Value4Value Music Podcast, with no advertisement or commercials from any corporate sponsor. That means it relies solely on you as a producer to give value back to the show. That value can be given back in form of time, talent or treasure. You can recommend the show to someone you know, you can send in requests for songs you would like to be played on the show, or you can create audio clips, jingles and artwork that most definitively will be used. These are just suggestions, as there are endless ways you can support and help produce this show. Just get creative.

You can also help produce this show by sending in your treasure, as a monetary donation to the show. This can be done in 3 different ways:

  • Paypal donation
  • Off-Chain sats donation on the Lightning Network
  • On-Chain Bitcoin (BTC) donation

All three options can be used by clicking the buttons, or scanning the QR-code, on this page. Think of the value you got from listening to the show, and consider sending some of that value back with a donation. Mutton, Mead & Music relies on infrastructure, such as hosting of files, servers and domains, which cost money. Not to mention all the hard work that’s get put in, to bring you a brand new edition every week!

Every producer will be credited and mentioned on the show.